How To 'Bridge The Gap' Until The Next Salon Visit

30 Jun , 2020

The country is slowly easing the coronavirus lockdown measures, with non-essential shops now allowed to reopen, and pubs and restaurants will be opening in early July.

But while hairdressers will be also opening from 4 July, the services offered will be strictly limited, and unfortunately, that means having your extensions sorted.

For those that have special hair treatments, such as extensions or chemical processes, things are extra complicated. For those that have special hair treatments, such as extensions or chemical processes, things are extra complicated. What can be done to bridge the gap until your extensions can be professionally refreshed?

By no means should you be attempting to cut your hair extensions out by yourself. However tempting it is, put down the scissors!

If your hair is starting to get matted, do leave-in treatments every day and let the natural oils of the treatment break down the bonds of the extensions. They will eventually slip out on their own. What else can we do to keep our hair in the best condition it can be until then? Simply keep your hair brushed, and don’t let it get knotted or matted.

Remember that this too will pass, and salons will reopen completely one day soon. Be kind to yourself, and your body and hair. Stick to a healthy diet, and it will show in your hair’s healthy appearance.

If you are looking for real hair extensions in Liverpool, then contact us today for more details.